Saturday 23 June 2012

Winding down

As blogging tools go, the Blogger Android app is not impressing me. It's crashed several times, usually as I was trying to post. Add the fact that I was also trying to chat to people, and I've not got much posted today!

It's been a good day otherwise, though. From the Draft House we moved to the Rake, then Brew Wharf, then got a bus up to Holborn and walked to the Craft Beer Co, then took the tube to Euston Square for the Euston Tap. We've had cask ales and keg beers, from 3% to 11%, from pale gold to deep black, and almost all have been excellent. Several people said how much they'd enjoyed discovering new pubs, and there was lots of fruitful discussion of what constitutes good beer.


  1. I use Pixelpipe for blogging on the go, not sure if its Android compatible but works on Symbian. Excellent app for uploading to multiple locations.

  2. Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look. I'll be surprised if there aren't a few third-party Blogger apps on the Google store too!
