was no
surprise then
find the supermarkets selling a new weizenbock
from AB-InBev, namely Franziskaner Royal Jahrgangsweissbier, or
Annual Vintage Weissbier. Just to confuse things, it was
labelled “Edition 2” - they also brewed a Royal
Jahrgangsweissbier in 2011, but that one was a 5% blond hefeweizen and carried no edition number.
Presumably the marketing guys failed to imagine that the brewers
might want to do – shock, horror! - something different for next
bit of fun ensued
Untappd, as
I and a couple of others tried
to unravel the strands in
the support forum.
Somehow the site had acquired three separate listings for Royal
Jahrgangsweissbier – 2011, 2012 and Edition 2 – and to make it
worse, each of them also had at least one rating for the 'other'
version, put in by confused (or careless) drinkers.

what are they like? To be honest, the first edition is fairly
run-of-the-mill. Yes, it's a good Kristalweiss, but there is not a
lot to mark it out from other good Kristals – and there's certainly
nothing Royal about it.
second edition is a different kettle of fish. Gone is the megabrewer
mundanity and in is a spicy and tangy dark Weizenbock, somewhere
between an amber and a dunkel. It certainly has a bit more character
than the average Dunkelweiss – worth a try, I'd say.
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